Thursday, October 10, 2013

Input - Output

- An input device is any peripheral (piece of computer hardware equipment) used to provide data and control signals to an information processing system (such as a computer).

- An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to communicate the results of data processing carried out by an information processing system (such as a computer) to the outside world.

Input devices: Scanner, CD drive, Mouse, microphone, keyboard.

Output devices: Printer, speakers, CD-DVD recording drive, Screen, headphones.

Input and output devices: RAM Card, network card, modem, motherboard.

Monday, October 07, 2013

Computer Hardware

Video for computer hardware activities 

 Video activities: computer hardware

1)      At the beginning of the video what 3 types of computers can you see?
         1. Laptop
         2. Desk PC
         3. PC without tower

2)      Listen and complete the text:
You’ve seen them. They come in all shapes and sizes but work pretty much in the same ways. In fact, if you could watch inside these computers, they have the same basic parts. It’s these parts, the hardware that do all of the work in computers.

3)      What can be compared to the basement of a house? Why?
          The hard disk.Because it stores things like the hard disk.

4)      What disadvantage do hard disks have?
          They are slow to access the files that they have inside.

5)      What can be compared to a closet? Why?
          The RAM, because it makes fast to access the files.

6)      What can be compared to a butler? Why?
          The Processor, because it does the tasks for you.

7)      Match the two parts of the sentences:

1-The hard disk 3. a-out every time you restart your computer.
2-RAM 4. b-takes too much time whenever you need something.
3-RAM gets cleaned 2. c-makes some information quick and easy to access.
4-Going to the basement (hard disk) 1. d-stores all the things you need for later.
5-The bigger the hardware, 6. e-makes things work together.
6-The processor 5. f-the more you can store.

Hardware and Software and English - Catalan traduction.

Computer instructions or data. Anything that can be stored electronically is software. The storage devices and display devices are hardware.
The terms software and hardware are used as both nouns and adjectives. For example, you can say: "The problem lies in the software," meaning that there is a problem with the program or data, not with the computer itself. You can also say: "It's a software problem."

The distinction between software and hardware is sometimes confusing because they are so integrally linked. Clearly, when you purchase a program, you are buying software. But to buy the software, you need to buy the disk (hardware) on which the software is recorded.

Software is often divided into two categories:

- systems software : Includes the operating system and all the utilities that enable the computer to function.
- applications software : Includes programs that do real work for users. For example, word processors, spreadsheets, and database management systems fall under the category of applications software.

Refers to objects that you can actually touch, like disks, disk drives, display screens, keyboards, printers, boards, and chips. In contrast, software is untouchable. Software exists as ideas, concepts, and symbols, but it has no substance.
Books provide a useful analogy. The pages and the ink are the hardware, while the words, sentences, paragraphs, and the overall meaning are the software. A computer without software is like a book full of blank pages -- you need software to make the computer useful just as you need words to make a book meaningful.

English => Catalan Traduction

Data: Dada.
Stored: Emmagatzemat.
Storage: Magatzem.
Display: Visualitzar.
Systems software: Software del sistema.
Applications software: Software d'aplicacions.
Objects that you can actually touch: Objectes que realment pots tocar.
Software is untouchable: El software es intocable.
A computer without software is like a book full of blank pages: Un ordinador sense software es com un llibre ple de pagines en blanc.


Monday, September 30, 2013

My workstation

My workstation is in my room next to my bed.  I have the tower PC under it and my monitor on it. My mouse is next to the monitor and the keyboard in front of it. My headphones are above the tower, I have only 1 speaker next to the monitor and my modem next to the monitor as well.